
Important Disclaimer

Please note that the information shared on our website and by Fermat Ventures through email, mail, or any other medium of communication is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided.

It is crucial that individuals and entities conduct their own due diligence and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions. Additionally, any actions taken based on the information we provide are at your own risk. We do not accept responsibility for any losses or damages incurred as a result of relying on the information shared. Our content is intended to serve as general guidance and should not substitute personalized financial advice.

Furthermore, we advise users to review and understand any terms and conditions, risks, and disclosures associated with specific investments or financial products before engaging in any transactions. By accessing or using our information, you agree to these terms and acknowledge that investment decisions are your sole responsibility.

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Our use of other group’s copyrighted material – Fair use notice:

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– This website was created for informational purposes only. The material on our site is given for general information only and does not constitute professional advice. Where appropriate, users should seek their own legal or other professional advice. The Fermat Ventures  accepts no responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of material contained in this website. Fermat Ventures  accepts no liability in respect of material contained on other sites which may be linked to this site from time to time.

– All content posted up on this site is used under the Fair Use Copyright Law 107. All photos, media, and articles are copyright to their original owners.

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