Renting in Canada today can be challenging, but some cities are making it easier with a perfect blend of affordability, quality of life, and community. Point2 identified the best cities for renters by analyzing 24 metrics across these areas, ranking Canada’s 100 largest cities.
These cities offer the best of all worlds for renters
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In these top-ranking cities, renters can enjoy a well-balanced lifestyle without feeling like they’re in limbo until they can buy a home. Seven cities in Quebec and Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, boast the lowest average rents, all under $1,000, making them ideal for those seeking affordability.
Meanwhile, cities like Toronto, Oakville, and Montreal have the largest inventories of rental homes, offering plenty of options, while the highest number of new rental unit starts are found in North Vancouver, B.C.
St. John’s, Newfoundland emerges as a standout city, striking the right balance between economic opportunity and vibrant community life. Cities in Quebec dominate the rankings, with Sherbrooke, Quebec City, and others offering the most satisfying renter lifestyles, where tenants thrive rather than just making do.
Economy & housing hotspots: Quebec renters for the win
In terms of economic and housing conditions, 18 out of 19 Quebec cities lead the pack, highlighting their exceptional quality of life for renters.
Wood Buffalo, Alberta, also shines as an affordability haven, where nearly 83 per cent of renters spend less than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs.
Best spots for quality of life: Quebec & Ontario
Quality of life is crucial for renters, and factors like safety, walkability, and access to green spaces make British Columbia and Ontario stand out. Vancouver and North Vancouver are praised for their walkability, while Caledon, Ont., boasts the highest greenness score.
The least stressed renters are found where life feels the most comfortable: St. John’s, Saskatoon, and Oshawa.
Connecting to community: Victoria, B.C. takes first place
Community connections are vital, and Victoria, B.C., leads in this category with high scores for access to restaurants, museums, and educational opportunities. Each province has cities that excel in building a strong sense of community, proving that renters can find a fulfilling lifestyle across Canada.
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